tologo Creating quotes to clients

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All quote information can be added or changed in Edit Quote window. To open this window for selected quote double-click this quote in the list.


Client PM - select one of the client's contacts as project manager or contact for this draft project (on the client's side). Please see Contacts topic for details.

Date sent - except for reference this date will also be used by Global Date filter. Please see Global Date Filter topic for details.

Code - code of the quote is generated automatically. In this code "Q" character means that this is a quote, letters afterwards represent code of the client and the number is the value of quote counter for this client.  Each client has independent code counter for quotes.

_bm3 Note: Although quote code cannot be edited directly, quote counter can be advanced forward by assigning higher next code value in the client's profile. Please see Next Client Codes topic for details.

Status - settings in this drop-down list determine the color in which the quote will be shown in the list on Quotes tab of Client window or on Quotes to Clients window.

Draft Project - name of the quote. This will also become the name of a project created based on this quote. Draft project name can contain 100 characters maximum.

Client Jobs -  lists draft client jobs of this quote. Right-click this table and click Customize columns to configure which data should be displayed. Please see  Draft Client Job topic for more details.

Request for Quote, Answer - enter a plain text note here.

Custom fields - this tab can be to fill-in custom fields of quotes. It contains controls of all custom fields added to quotes database. For more information please see Custom Fields.

Quote folder - quote folders are created in Quotes folder located inside each client folder. Quote code is used in naming the quote folder. 

Draft Timeline - like regular project, quote has assigned and deadline dates.

Custom Fields - quotes can also contain custom data (fr example custom statuses, dates or notes) added in the form of custom fields. If you have any custom fields in quotes to clients, their controls can be found on the Custom Fields tab. For more information on adding custom fields please see Custom Fields topic.


Saving and printing Client Quote

To save Client Quote as an RTF document, first apply changes made to this quote by clicking Apply button. Once the quote has been saved in database, RTF template controls for it will become active.

Use RTF Templates drop–down list to select the template which must be used for saving this client quote in an RTF file.

_bm3 Note: You can choose to save the output file in PDF or DOC format by selecting this format in Save As window with the help of Save as type drop–down list.

To edit templates for quotes click menu Settings > Personal and select Templates. Templates for Client Quotes are located at \AIT\Translation Office 3000 V9\Templates\CLIENTS\Quotes\ folder 




See also:

Quotes Template Variables